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February 24, 2023
Nationwide “Day of Hate” against Jews: Why this should alarm every American.

By: Shana Forta, Senior Fellow

In case you did not receive the memo, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has announced on Twitter that a nationwide extremist “Day of Hate” is scheduled for Saturday, February 25th.

This is highly malapropos in the current woke era of cancel culture and Black Lives Matter, snowflakes, and safe spaces, where everyone has an opinion, and no one dares offend. However, it doesn’t seem to apply to Jewish people who have seen an alarming uptick in antisemitism on college campuses, social media, and from celebrities and politicians alike. Why should this matter to everyone? After all, Jews make up less than 2 percent of the American population. It matters to everyone because history has shown that it always starts with the Jews but doesn’t end with the Jews.

Anti-Semitism is as old as the Jewish religion, yet it seems to reappear generation after generation, more robust and with a greater vengeance than ever. Same tropes, same lies, same vitriol, it’s the same old hate regurgitated. It used to remain quiet below the radar, on the dark web, hidden to those who couldn’t access it, just below the surface, its beady eyes darting and glinting, looking for its next vulnerable victims. In 2023, it is barely kept in its place by a strong police presence and strict laws, but it’s everywhere to be found online and on college campuses nationally. When antisemitism becomes acceptable, there is no turning back from it.

Antisemitism in Germany during the 1930s was at the highest levels of government down to the lowest levels of society. Tens of thousands of Jews were sent to their deaths in full view of German society, yet no one batted an eye. How did this happen? Jews were not welcome to live in Nazi Germany, Poland, or anywhere in eastern Europe. The propaganda, by that point, had become so successful, and the people’s minds had been so poisoned that they genuinely believed the Jews to be the cause of all the problems in the country. It didn’t happen overnight, though; it happened slowly with a steady drip of daily poisonous lies that became the truth because, as we know, if you tell a lie long enough, it becomes the truth. Something must be fundamentally wrong in a country that uses a scapegoat to distract everyone while real evil is being perpetrated. Look this way, they say! Look at the corrupt Jews, they say! Let’s foment jealousy and hatred against the Jews. It works every time. Once the Nazis killed the mentally infirm and it went unnoticed, they moved on to the Jews, then the gypsies, then the Black population, and so on. When the perfection of an Aryan race knows no boundaries and no crime is too great or too evil, everyone is now a target. Only a fool believes they will be spared from a psychopathic maniac.

This is how Jews were killed by the millions, and very few cared to notice. The Nuremberg Race Laws of 1935 made hatred the law, essentially stripping the Jews of all legal rights. Just a few years later, in August 1938, the law on the Alteration of Family and Personal Names was enacted, meaning new babies could only take a name from a government-approved list, and everyone was to take on an additional name of either Israel for men and Sarah for women so that they could be easily identified. Then in October of the same year, all Jewish-owned passports were stamped with a J. Then, in 1941, The police forced Jews to wear a yellow star on the outside of their jackets.

We must take a stand against the woke hoards that will not stop until they have rewritten every book, modified our history to fit their narrative, destroyed our culture, brainwashed our youth, broken every statue, and fundamentally changed America until its unrecognizable. I reiterate. This is not just about the Jews but about a bully culture that cloaks itself in the religion of equity. We all know where this ends. Wake up before it’s too late. Don’t forget that every poison has an antidote to counteract it. Stand up and let your voice be heard, for this is the only way we can stand up to this evil in our time.

Nobel laureate and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel famously stated, “I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides.” I implore you not to be silent. This virus must be controlled and contained immediately, or it will become deadly. Those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Let’s turn this “day of hate” into a day of love and forgiveness for all. We are all God’s children.

Shana Forta is a senior fellow at the Gold Institute for International Strategy.
